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ゼミについて Yamada Seminar


In this seminar,Master's and Ph.D.students learn about various aspects of education and human resource in developing countries in Africa,Asia,and other parts of the world.

開講科目 / Courses Offered (Year2017)

比較国際教育学 / Comparative and International Education
教育開発政策論 / Educational Development Policies
教育・人材開発演習 / Education and Human Resource Development

入試問題 / Entrance Exam

国際開発専攻(前期課程) / DID Master's Course

参考図書 / Introductory Textbooks

-黒田一雄 他(編)「国際教育開発論:理論と実践」有斐閣(2005)
-小川啓一 他(編)「国際教育開発の再検討:途上国の基礎教育普及に向けて」
-岡田亜弥 他(編)「産業スキルディベロプメント:グローバル化と途上国の人材育成」
-米澤彰純「高等教育の大衆化と私立大学経営」 東北大学出版会(2010)


[English Textbooks for Educational Development]
- Lauder, Hugh, et,al. Education, Globalization & Social Change.
 Oxford University Press (2006)
- Brint, Steven. Schools and Societies. Stanford Social Sciences (1998)
- McMahon, Walter W. Education and Development: Measuring the Socia
Oxford University Press (1999)
- Thomas, Murray (Ed) Education's Role in National Development Plans:
 The Country Cases.
Praeger Press (1992)

セミナー等の開催 OpenSeminars, Symposium and other events

We have invited many distinguished scholars from within and outside of Japan to have Open Seminars,Symposiums,Workshops and other types of lectures on various issues on Education and Development.

Open Seminars

2 Jul 2019
Special lecture by Prof. Hiroyuki Ito

8 Nov 2018
Special lectures by Dr. Angela Little and Dr. Keith Lewin
(1)"From Education policy to practice: drivers, incentives and threats"
By Dr. Angela Little
(2)Development Alternatives Beyond Aid Dependence in Sub-Sahara Africa: How much, to whom for what?"
By Dr. Keith Lewin

21 Sep 2018
Open lecture by Prof. Crain Soudien
Crain Soudien教授による公開講座
(1)「 The Decolonisation debate in South Africa and its wider significance for education」
(2)「 Nelson Mandela: Beyond the Post-Colonial Towards a New Humanism」

16 NOV 2017
国際教育開発フォーラム / International Education Development Forum
Open Seminar:
Dr. Aaron Benavot,
University of Albany-SUNY Dept.of Educational Policy and Leadership, School of Education
"Overview of the GEM Report series and the 2017/8 GEM Report"

19 JAN 2017

Open Lecture:
The Social Status and Motivation of Teachers:Considering Changes of Teacher Training Course in Malawi by Dr.Jun Kawaguchi,University of Tsukuba.

21 DEC 2016
Educational Situation of Refugee Youth and Children in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya by Drr.Seiji UTSUMI, Kyoto Women’s University.

5 NOV 2015
Trends in US Education and their Relationships to International Developmentin Education by Dr.Christopher J.Frey, Bowling Green State University, Visiting Reserach Faculty, Keio University.
[Program] [Presentation]

11 DEC 2014
Development of International Cooperation in Education in Japan by Dr. Yasuo Saito,National Institute for Educational Policy Research.
[Program] [Presentation]

8 DEC 2014
Preventing Natural Resource Curse -Challenges of resource-dependent developing economies by Dr. Kazue Demachi, Graduate School of International Cooperarion Studies,Kobe University.
[Program] [Handout]

6-7 NOV 2014
Development of National Education System and EFA in Japan by Dr. Yasuo Saito, National Institute for Educational Policy Research.
[Program] [Presentation1] [Presentation2]

17 AUG 2014
Talent Abounds: A Comparative Study of Master Teachers and Peak Performers by Prof.Robert F.Arnove, Indiana University, USA.
[Program] [Presentation]

24 JUL 2014
Global Citizenship and National History Textbooks by Prof. James H. Williams, The George Washington University, USA.
[Program] [Presentation]

10 FEB 2014
International Workshop - Varieties of Partnership in Development Cooperation: Institutions, Actors and Processes.
[Poster] [Program] [Photos]

23 JAN 2014
Trends in the 4th and 8th Grade Ethiopian National Learning Assessment by Prof.Desalegn Chalchisa Jebena, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
[Program] [Presentation]

30 OCT 2013
New approaches to higher education in Africa: Example of University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana by Prof. G. Kranjac-Berisavljevic, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana.
[Program] [Presentation]

18 OCT 2012
Engaged area studies approach in the arena of African local knowledge formation and sharing: Report of 2012 Summer field work by Dr. Masayoshi Shigeta, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University.

27 MAR 2012
China-Africa Education Cooperation under the Framework of FOCAC by Dr Niu Changsong, Associate Professor, Institute of African Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, China.
[Program] [Presentation]

19 JAN 2012
Learning to read and numerate in the developing world: A comparative study of reading and mathematics curricula and tectbooks by Dr Aaron Benavot, Professor, Global Education Policy, Dept of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York Albany USA, Former Senior Analyst on UNESCO EFA Global Monitoring Report.
[Program] [Presentation]

10 NOV 2011
Transnational Civil Society vs. Global Educational Culture: Children's Rights in Historical Perspective by Dr. Eckhardt Fuchs, Deputy Director, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Germany.
[Program] [Presentation]

13 OCT 2011
Education Sector Analysis: An Introduction by Dr. John C. Weidman, Professor, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
[Program] [Presentation1] [Presentation2]

17 JUN 2011
Post-disaster Psychosocial Care for Children: Considerations in psychosocial care programming in the aftermath of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami by Ms. Ryoko Honda, Clinical psychologist, Institute for Family Functioning.
[Program] [Presentation]

14-16 JUN 2011
1. Memory work in researching violence against children and young people: Kenyan university student teachers learning from a life cycle approach.
2. Qualitative Research: An Overview by Prof. Fatuma N. Chege, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
[Program] [Presentation1] [Presentation2]

31 JAN 2011
Educational Development Issues in Southeast Asia: An Overview by Dr.Gerald W. Fry, Educational Policy and Administration at University of Minnesota, USA.
[Presentation] [Handout]

25 JAN 2011
1.Pathways to Effective School and Classroom Assessments:The Case of Ghana.
2.Language of Instruction in Elementary School Education:The Tension between Policy and Implementation by Dr.Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
[Program] [Presentation1] [Presentation2]

7 JUL 2010
Reseaching powerful people:a neglected aspect of development studies by Dr. Chris Williams, University of Birmingham,UK.
[Program] [Presentation]

1 JUL 2010
Comparative Education by Dr.Shinichi Suzuki, Professor Emeritus, Waseda University.
[Program] [Handout]

16 NOV 2009
Literacy Development in a Multilingual Society: Experiences from Nigeria by Dr. Oyenike Adeosun, University of Legos, Nigeria.
[Program] [Presentation]

17-19 JUN / 1-3 JUL 2009
International Educational Cooperation by a Multi-lateral Organization -UNESCO in the Field of Education-by Prof. Akihiro Chiba, Advisor for Institute for Educational Research and Service, International Christian University.
[Program] [Syllabus1] [Syllabus2] [日本語版]

4 FEB 2009
Educational Development - the role of researchers and international community by Prof. Mark Bray, Director of UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.

10-11 NOV 2008
1. The Further Role of Comparative Education in INternational Development.
2. Making Educational Policies at the World Bank by Dr. Stephen Heyneman, Vanderbilt University, USA.

12 JUN 2008
Historical Development of Japanese International Cooperation in Education -Why was the aid for basic education a "taboo"?- by Prof. Yasuo Saito, National Institute for Educational Policy Research.
[Program] [Presentation] [Transcript]


Symposium and Workshops

16 NOV 2017
国際教育開発フォーラム / International Education Development Forum

シンポジウム / Symposium:
Dr. Aaron Benavot,
University of Albany-SUNY Dept.of Educational Policy and Leadership, School of Education
"Will a global learning metric improve equity in education?"

Dr. Samsideth Dy,
Director-General for Education and Head of Secretariat of the Education Research Council, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Cambodia
"Placing Equity at the Centre of Teacher Education Reform"

26 JAN 2015

Interantional Symposium - Critical Perspectives on Education and Skills in the Emerging Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Organizaed by JASID-Tokai and GSID.

[Program] [Photos]
1.Prof.Yoshida:Post-2015 education Development:Perspectives from Japan.
2.Prof.Bong:Post-2015 and Korean Education ODA.
3.Prof.Huang:Post-2015 Global Development Agenda and China's Standpoint.
4.Dr.Burnett:Comparative Remarks.

10 FEB 2014
International Workshop - Varieties of Partnership in Development Cooperation: Institutions, Actors and Processes.
Sponsored by NRF and GSID.

[poster] [Program] [Photos]

1 MAY 2013
Lecture at World Bank - Findings from Ethiopia on Determinants of ‘community participation’ in Education.
Presented by Dr. Shoko Yamada in Washington D.C.


26-27 OCT 2012
Interantional Education Development Forum.
Co-hosted with Waseda University at Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University.

[Background and Purpose] [Program] 

25 OCT 2012
Interantional Symposium on Asian Emerging Donors and Japan in Education Sector Development Cooperation.
Held at the International Conference Hall, JICA Research Institute, Tokyo.

[概要&プログラム] [活動報告] [Purpose and Program] [Report]

6 OCT 2012
第2回アフリカ子ども学を語る会「働くことを通じた学び」 中部学院大学各務原キャンパス


ゼミメンバーの活動 Students' Activities

M1ゼミプロジェクト M1 Seminar Project

教育援助機関の活動に関するミニ調査 [English]
このプロジェクトの目的は大きく分けて2つです。まず、教育分野で活躍する援助機関について、その歴史的背景、政策や戦略の重点、実施している事業などを知り、実際に発展途上国で行われている教育協力の活動や国際的議論を具体的に理解できる知識基盤を形成することです。 2つ目は、修士に入って、まだ学問的な研究をしたことがない学生たちに、実際の調査プロジェクトを順を追って指導することにより、体験的に学んでもらうことです。

1学期1機関に絞って調査を計画しますが、まず、学期の前半は、既存の文献やウェブサイト、報告書等から、その機関について勉強します。学期の後半には、その機関で実際に働いているスタッフ数名にインタビューします。 学生の関心やその時の状況にもよりますが、援助機関の本部だけでなく、途上国の現地事務所の人をインタビューすることも少なくありません。
コミュニケーション技術のお陰で、現地に行くことなく、ワシントンDC、カンボジア、タンザニアなどの 現地事務所で働いている人ともインタビューしたことがあります。


JICA (2010年度春学期)
USAID (2009年度秋学期)
UNESCO (2009年度春学期/2008年度秋学期)
世界銀行 (2008年度春学期)



Studies on the policies and activities of Educational Aid Organizations
This project is for the first year Master’s students.
In each semester, we pick up one aid organization (from both multi- and bi-lateral ones). Students are divided into groups of 2-3 students and each group conduct research on a topic of their selection regarding policies and activities of that organization in the field of education.
The objectives of this project are two-fold: first one is to familiarize students with the historical development, policies, strategies, structure, and activities of the organization so that they will develop the knowledge base to understand the practices and global discussion about educational development.
The second is to give opportunities of learning the research methods through practice for students who just started the graduate program and have little experience of academic work.
In each year, about 10 students, who major in education and human resource development, participate in this seminar.
The students are divided into smaller groups of 2-3 students and each group will design the research framework, come up with research questions, conduct research, and write a research paper at the end of semester.

To be able to do that, each group of the students spend the first few weeks of the semester for searching literature, reading them, and presenting their summaries of in the seminar.
Then, all the seminar members discuss how to deepen the understanding and to narrow the focus of the group’s research topic. Students will get advice on data collection and analysis in the process.
On the occasions of the interview, students are fully responsible for handling the situation from self-introduction to wrap up and time management.
After the interviews, the seminar members get together to discuss about good practice and failure so that they can improve the ways of interview based on their own experience.
After all these exercises, at the end of the semester, each group writes research paper on the topic they focused on.

To conduct an interview, it is a precondition to know about the organization the interviewee is working for. Moreover, researchers have to consider the unique aspects of investigation which is not found in the existing literature and
decide the focus of their own research.
Interviews for academic purpose are different from casual conversation and have to be based on well-articulated plan about what to know and how to ask so as to hear stories useful for the intended research.

In the earlier sessions of the seminar, the students learn about the organization from existing literature, website, and reports.
Later in the semester, students will interview a few staff members who are currently working in the organization with different capacity both in the headquarters or the field offices.
Thanks to the technology, we have already conducted tele-conference with overseas with people in Washington, D.C., Phnon Penh, and Dar es Salaam while staying in the building of our graduate school.

Aid organizations which we focused on

JICA(Spring 2010)
USAID (Fall 2009)
UNESCO (Spring 2009,Fall 2008)
World Bank (Spring 2008)

Examples of the topics of project papers

・Monitioring mechanism of a teachers training project in JICA.
・Collaboration between the UNESCO and NGOs: the overall system and a case of collaboration in Japan.
・How is the “Ownership ”of assisted government fostered in aidprojects.
・USAID's involvement in girls education
・What is the “quality of education” for USAID.


阿智村との交流 Achi Village Visit


Let’s think about Japanese developmental issues, instead of discussing always about “developing countries”.
In Yamada seminar, every year, we visit Seinaiji Primary School in Achi Village,
Nagano Prefecture. The purpose is to know and think about the issues faced at a small school with about 30 pupils in the mountainous depopulating area.
At the same time, it is hoped that the interaction with international students using English and knowing a bit about different cultures will be a chance for rural pupils to think about the world.


アフリカでのフィールドワーク Fieldwork in Africa

Yamada seminar provides opportunities for internship and fieldwork.

Megumi's Experience in kenya

Internship with Mikono International, Kenya.
Mikono International, an NGO which has the headquarters in Gifu,near Nagoya, kindly accept interns from our seminar. Mikono International has various activities for comprehensive community development including education, vocational training, and mobile medical center.


Ayaka's Experience in Ghana

