Papers, Reports,
Links to Internet Resources

Papers and Reports for Reference

1 @Prof. Phaisal's Paper (prepared for OFW2008)

Lanna Culture and Social Development: Cover
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: General Background
Section 3: History
Section 4: Lanna Kingdom
Section 5: Lanna Culture and Social Development
Section 6: Conscluding Remarks


2 Prof. Preecha's Paper (used for OFW2002)
Thai Society & Culture

Papers and Reports for Reference (Protected)
(reports are provided in WinZIP format)

1 Site # 13: Meng Rai Kiln (Ceramic Factory)
(Chula DFW Report)
2 Site # 14: Borsang Umbrella Center
(Chula DFW Report)
Site # 16: By Hand (Artificial Flower)
(Chula DFW Report)
Site # 17: Jolie Famme (Silk & Garment)
(Chula DFW Report)

Useful Internet Sites on Chiang Mai
General Information Sites & Sites for Each WG

1 Prof. Phaisal's Internet Resource Guide
Useful Internet Resouces on Chiang Mai, Thailand

Prof. Umemura's
Reading List on Tourism Development
(A Must for WG4)


1. M.T. Sinclair and M. Stabler (1977) The Economics of Tourism, Routledge.

2. .Hariss, R, Griffin T. and Williams P.(2002) Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.

3. .J.R. Brent Richie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003) Competitive Destination: A sustainable Tourism Perspective CABI Publishing.

4. Salah Wahab and John J. Pogram (1997) Tourism Development and Growth The Challange of Sustainability, Routledge.

5. David Harrison (2001) Tourism and the less developed world:  Issues and case studies, ABI publishing.

6. Charles R. Goeldner & J.R. Brent Ritchie, (2006) TOURISM Principles, Practices, Philosophies Tenth edition, WILEY.

7. UN ESCAP(2001) Promoting of Investment in Tourism Infrastructure.

8. UN ESCAP (2005) The Contribution of Tourism to Poverty Alleviation, ESCAP TOURISM REVIEW No. 25.

9. UNWTO (2008) Tourism and Community Development Asian Practices.

Last update: 2008.8.19