Introduction 2(to) International Development

"Japanese Development Model" Cluster





The country of the rising sun, once again .....?


 2002 Thematic Cluster Syllabus

(April 2002)

Cluster Manager: Prof. CHO Du-Sop (Cho斗燮助教授)

Participating Professors: Prof. CHO Du-Sop, Prof. Shigeru OTSUBO, Prof. Yutaka OTSUKA (DID); Prof. Hisae NAKANISHI (DICOS)

Meeting Dates: May 15 (1:00-3:00 p.m.), May 22 (1:00-2:30 p.m.), and May 29 (1:00-3:00 p.m.)

Classes are conducted in English and Japanese.

Cluster Agenda

In this Japanese Development Model Cluster, themes/issues such as the Japanese management/production model (once called the best practice in the world), the “success story” of Japan’s post-war economic development (and the underlying macro-/micro-economic factors), the characteristics of the Japanese-style educational development, and the linkage between the emergence of Japanese-style management and the formation of Japanese women will be discussed. The cluster allows foreign students to study the Japanese development experience and Japanese students to review it. Arguments/discussions in this cluster should shed some light on the issues of universality, uniqueness, and applicability of the Japanese Development Model nurtured during the half century after WWII.

本クラスターでは、世界の「ベストプラックティス(Best Practice)」ともいわれた日本型経営・生産モデル、戦後日本経済の奇跡的な復興を支えたマクロ・ミクロ要因分析、日本型教育開発のあり方、日本型資本主義の発展過程における女性の地位形成などをテーマとして取り上げる。講義の狙いは、留学生には日本の開発経験を学んでもらう、そして日本人院生にはそれを再確認してもらう機会のそれぞれの提供を目指すが、最終的には、戦後50年を通じて作り上げてきた「日本型開発モデル」の普遍性・特殊性・移転可能性を問い詰める契機にしたい。

Cluster Schedule: Themes and Issues

Pay attention to the Course Bulletin Board on the web.

May 15

Prof. Otsubo
Prof. Cho

Japanese System of Economic Development: Success, Stagnation, and Structural Reform

This lecture reviews the “success story” of Japan in her post-war economic development. The evolution of favorable macroeconomic factors such as a high savings rate, a high rate of productivity growth, and a unique labor supply mechanism facilitated economic growth. Japan-specific elements of the market framework, such as “life-term” employment, keiretsu business relations and a main bank system, are believed to have complemented those favorable macroeconomic factors. Strong and close cooperation and information exchange between business (private) and government (public) sectors contributed to this miraculous recovery from the destitution of WWII. A series of government medium-term “economic plans” introduced feasible development scenarios to the Japanese nation, and contributed to the formation of a common strategy, which in turn was supported by a consensus-based national development agenda of catching up with industrialized economies. However, this economic framework with Japan-specific elements tuned out to be an obstacle in the post catch-up era. The Japanese system of national development has not yet been properly adjusted to a changing economic/social environment that includes the aging of population, a shift in the dynamic core of economic activities from standardized mass-production types to information and knowledge-based activities, and the rapid globalization of economic activities.



What is the Japanese Management Model?

(Missing Inputs from Prof. Cho)



May 22

Prof. Otsuka

Characteristics of Japanese-style Educational Development

After World War II, Japan vigorously recovered from the destruction caused by the war and had quick and remarkable development. In searching for the key of the success of the Japanese economy, the existence of a labor force of good quality cannot be overlooked as one of the important factors. Such labor force of good quality has been fostered by the relatively high standard of the well-established educational system. In many countries of the world an argument attributing Japan’s economic success to her educational success once prevailed. What are the concrete characteristics of Japanese education which has supported the economic success? Although the existence of a so-called “Japanese model” concerning educational development may be controversial, when it comes to the characteristics of Japanese education, it is definitely insufficient to look only at the current situation or to discuss the post-war development. It is necessary to consider the long process of historical development before and after Japan started modernizing her education in the Meiji period. At the same time, it is necessary not only to emphasize the positive aspects of educational development such as high enrollment rate, homogenized teaching, high academic achievement of students and well-trained teachers in connection with the economy, but to refer to the negative aspects including pathological phenomena such as school violence, bullying, students not attending school, which have been serious in recent years. Something can also be learned by many developing countries from these negative aspects. Thus, both success and failure which Japanese education has experienced will be discussed in this lecture.



May 29

Prof. Nakanishi

Construction of Japanese Women in the Process of the Development of Japanese-style Capitalism

As is often pointed out, Japanese-style capitalism has developed within the framework of political, economic, and taxation systems that have been linked with the life-time employment system. These systems that enabled Japan to achieve rapid economic development have determined the positions of Japanese women. This lecture discusses the linkage between the emergence of Japanese-style management and the formation of Japanese women’s social and economic status, particularly after World War II. This class ultimately addresses the issue of how Japanese society can realize so-called gender equity in the future.



Textbooks and Readings

May 15

Required Readings (Japanese System of Economic Development):

・Prof. Otsubo's Power Point Presentation Notes

Recommended Readings (Japanese System of Economic Development) :
(Book reviews are imported from

・岡崎哲二。「工業化の軌跡――経済大国前史」 20世紀の日本シリーズ(5)、読売新聞社 ; 1997.


・小浜裕久、渡辺真智子。「戦後日本経済の50年―途上国から先進国へ」日本評論社 ; 1996.


・小浜裕久。「戦後日本の産業発展」日本評論社 ; 2001.


・Inkstar, Ian. Japanese Industrialisation: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia). London: Routledge, 2001.

Japan's escape from colonialism and its subsequent industrialization has created an economy to rival that of the Unived States. This comprehensive volume examines how this rapid change of fortunes occurred, and the impact it has had on East Asia and the world at large.

・Franks, Penelope and J.A.A. Stockwin. Japanese Economic Development. London: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., 1999.

This newly revised, clearly-presented book looks at Japan's economic history from the nineteenth century through to World War II. Working within a framework based on the theories and approaches of development studies, Penelope Francks demonstrates the relevance of Japan's pre-war experience to the problems facing developing countries today, and draws out the historical roots of the institutions and practices on which Japan's post-war economic miracle was based. New features for the second edition include fresh theoretical perspectives, additional material derived from new sources, an increased number of case studies and fully up-dated references and bibliography. This broad-ranging work is both topical and easy-to-use and will be of immense use to those seeking an understanding of Japanese economic development.

・Ohno, Kenichi and Izumi Ohno eds. Japanese Views on Economic Development. London: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., 1998.

This book is the first systematic exposition of the Japanese approach to economic development and transition policy in the English language. Broad in scope, it touches on history, economic anthropology and politics.

Required & Recommended Readings (Japanese Management Model):

・ 『リーン生産方式が世界の自動車産業をこう変える』ジェームズ・P・ウォマック他

・ 『現代経営学入門』土屋守章著

・ 『日本的経営生産システムと東アジア』板垣博編著

May 22

Required & Recommended Readings:



・U.S. Department of Education. Japanese Education Today. 1987

・Rohlen, Thomas. Japan’s High School. University of California Press, 1983

・Cummings, William, K. Education and Equality in Japan. Princeton University Press, 1980

・Shields,James J. ed. Japanese Schooling : Patterns of Socialization, Equality, and Political Control. Pennsylvania State University Press , 1993

May 29

Required & Recommended Readings:


・上野千鶴子著「近代家族の成立と終焉」岩波書店 2000年

・山田昌弘「転換期の家族政策」『特集 家族・ジェンダーと社会政策』II章 東信堂


Internet Resources

May 15

In Prof. Otsubo’s Homepage on the GSID Website, visit "On Japanese Economy" corner:
"Exploration of Economics/Intn’l Development Resources"

May 22

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT): (English) (Japanese)

May 29