Links to Internet Resources
Economics & International Development

Designated Sites for Prof. Otsubo's Lectures

To Start With ...
1 世界がもし100人の村だったら
If the World were a Village of 100 People
Well, where can we, economists, contirubute?
2 World Bank: PovertyNet
Explore the resouces on poverty alleviation.
Links to MDGs-related sites are also available.
3 Humand Development Report 「人間開発報告」
Check out the cocepts and measurements of human development.
How dose economic development affect HDIs directly and/or indirectly?

HDI Animations
Do not miss the HDI-Income Growth animation!
This site also has a nice animation for the MDG progress.
4 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Progress Report
Explore this UN window site for MDGs. Also check the progress report.

Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals
The way foraward to achive the MDGs. (UN report, J.D. Sacks ed.)

MDG Indicators
8 goals, 18 targets, and 48 indicators.

Explore this UNDP window site for MDGs.

Explore this WB window site for MDGs.
5 World Development Reports

WDR 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty
Overview -- Attacking Poverty: Opportunity, Empowerment, and Security
Chapter 1 -- The Nature and Evolution of Poverty)
Backgournd Paper 'The Evolution of Thinking about Poverty: Exploring the Interactions'
Japan's ODA
6 Japan's ODA Homepage (Japanese)
Japan's ODA Homepate (English)
What are the recent developments and directions of Japan's ODA activities?
7 Japan's ODA Charter 2003 Revision (Japanese)
Japan's ODA Charter 2003 Revision (English)
Locate keywords in this draft.
8 World Bank Institute Thematic Site: Governance

Check WB resources on the issue of governance.

9 The IMF and Good Governance

Check IMF resources on the issue of governance.

10 UNDP on Democratic Governance

Check UNDP resources on the issue of governance.

11 World Bank Thematic Site: Governance and Public Sector Reform

Check WB resources on the issue of public sector management.

12 Debating the Washington Consensus
(June 19, 2003)

Suzan George + delegates from DAC, WB, etc.

13 Whither Reform? - Ten Years of the Transition -- "More Instruments and Broader Goals: Moving Toward the Post-Washington Consensus" by Joseph Stiglitz (1999)

Critical review of the so-called Washington Consensus.

14 "The Rise and Fall of the Washington Consensus" by Charles Gore (2000)

A critical review of the WC (WB/IMF) by an UNCTAD staff.

Japan's and Asia's Development Experiences
15 Shigeru Otsubo and Akira Furukawa
Post-war Development of the Japanese Economy---Development, Japanese/Asian Style---

A Power Point note for you to learn about Japan's post-war development experience.

16 IDE-JETRO Resources on Japanese Development Experience
Digital Archives on "The Japanese Experience: Techonology Transfer, Transformation, and Development"

A Digital Liblary created as a byproduct of their Japanese Experience Project.

Globalization-Trade & Financial Integration
17 Assessing World Bank Support for Trade 1987-2004: An IEG Evaluation

The World Bank was overly optimistic about the immediate and universal benefits of more open trade. This critical independent evaluation report confirms that liberalizaing trade alone is not enough to generate grwoth and fight poverty.

18 World Trade Organization

Check recent developments in world trading system.
New round of negotiations? China's membership? .....
Visit 'WTO News' and 'Trade Topics' corners.

19 The Doha Agenda for WTO Negotiations

Check through the negotiation agenda of the 'Development' Round.

20 GATT & WTO Agreements

See the structure of the GATT/WTO agreements.

21 World Bank Thematic Site: Globalization

Check WB resources on the issue of globalization.

22 World Bank Thematic Site: Trade

Check WB resources on the issue of trade.


Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site
by Prof. Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business, New York Univ.

On-Line Tutor of Development Economics, and Virtural Case Studies
24 OnLine Tutor in Development Economics

This fantastic site provides you an on-line tutorship for you to go though basic issues, conceps, and theories in Development Economics.

25 Economic Theories in a Virtual Development Country (Zambia)
(currently not available)

Virtural case studies of economic theories in the contect of a developing country.

Internet Resources for International Development

1 World Bank Regions
basic data on developing regions and countries
2 World Bank Thematic
thematic catalog of WB development resources
3 World Bank: PovertyNet
resouces on poverty alleviation
4 International Development Research Center (IDRC, Canada)
gateway to worldwide development resources
using the power of the internet for poverty alleviation
6 CIA: The World Factbook
maps, govn't structure, key personnel, the economy of countries
7 IMF Directory of Organizations
directory of economic, commodity, and development organizations
8 Electronic Development and Environment Info. System (ELDIS)
by Inst. of Development Studies & U. of Sussex
intn'l network of cooperative centers for human rights and sustainable development
10 Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site
by Prof. Roubini, Stern School of Business, New York Univ.
11 GSID Library, Nagoya University

E-Guide, GSID Library, Nagoya University

GSID 105 Recommended Readings

Do not forget our own geteway to development resources.

Internet Resources for Economists

1 NetEc
collection of networking projects for academic economics
2 WebEc
worldwide resources in economics
resources for economists on the internet
4 JokEc
jokes about economists and economics
5 EconoWeb
Saitama U. economic resource project (in Japanese)
6 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
introductrion to Nobel laureates and their works
7 Economists with Web Pages
visit economists with internet-mind
American Economic Association
9 EconLit
AEA's Bibliography of Economic Literature
10 Experimental Economics
by Prof. Saijo (Osaka U.)
11 Prof. Paul Krugman
you know what I mean .....
12 Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site
by Prof. Roubini (Stern School of Business, New York U.)

Development Forum(On-Line Discussion Groups)


Development Forum sponsored by the World Bank

*Attacking Poverty (WDR2001)
*Education, Pregnancy among African Teenagers (in French)
*Knowledege and Information for Development
*Gender and Law

Subscribe to any forum that you are interested for on-line discussions. For further details, visit the site or contact

On Japanese Economy

1 Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
2 Cabinet Office of Japanese Government
3 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office
4 Bank of Japan (BOJ)
5 Ministry of Economy, Trade. and Industry (METI)
6 Ministry of Finance
7 Japanese Government Publications Service (in Japanese)

On Japanese ODA

1 Q&A on Japanese ODA (in Japanese)
2 Q&A on Japanese ODA (in English)

On the US Economy

2 FED-World

On Globalization & Asian Financial Crisis

1 Has Globalization Gone Too Far? (Private Sites)
still growing.....
2 Asian Economic Crisis (Private Sites)
going, going, going ...
3 CEPR Globalization
Center for Economic Research

On Africa

1 Priority Africa
The UNU Africa Network
2 Jean-Claude's Site on Africa
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Econ., Khoto University
A Graduate of Otsubo Seminar, GSID

Economics Study Materials

The Stiglitz's Internet Study Guide


Last update: 2008.4.4