Bulletin Board

(Communications from Prof. Osubo to OFW Participants)

Academic Year, 2008-2009

Join me in this year's Overseas Field Work! I will take you to Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Hi ! M1 Students of GSID !
(Yes, that's me, the OFW2008 King on my Thai vehicle.)

Welcome to the OFW2008 Team!! Let us now create viable and interesting Research Plans for you to pursue in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Your initiatives and active participation will be most highly appreciated (not only by OFW2008 faculty team but also by yourselves).

Date of Entry

August 19, 2008 Prof. Phaisal's DP "Lanna Culture and Socialo Development: A Case Study of Chiangmai Province in Northern Thailand" is now avaialble for your viewing.

@Prof. Phaisal's Paper (prepared for OFW2008)

Lanna Culture and Social Development: Cover
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: General Background
Section 3: History
Section 4: Lanna Kingdom
Section 5: Lanna Culture and Social Development
Section 6: Conscluding Remarks

It is also posted in the "Papers & Reports for Reference" Corner of this OFW Strategy HP.

The documents are PW protected for now. Use the OFW2008 ID and Password.

Every participant to the OFW2008 should go through this Discussion Paper!!

July 16, 2008 Prof. Umemura's Lectures on Tourism Development

Prof. Umemura's lecture series on Toursim Development will be held during September 8-12.

Tentative Schedule
September 9: 16:30-18:00: Auditorium
(All OFW Participants must attend.)
(2) September 10: 16:30-18:00: #3 Lecture Room
(All WG4 Members must attend.)
(3) September 11: 16:30-18:00: #3 Lecture Room
(All WG4 Members must attend.)
(4) September 12: 16:30-18:00: #3 Lecture Room
(All WG4 Members must attend.)

List of Recommended Readings (Read in accordance with your research interests.)

1. M.T. Sinclair and M. Stabler (1977) The Economics of Tourism, Routledge.

2. .Hariss, R, Griffin T. and Williams P.(2002) Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.

3. .J.R. Brent Richie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003) Competitive Destination: A sustainable Tourism Perspective CABI Publishing.

4. Salah Wahab and John J. Pogram (1997) Tourism Development and Growth The Challange of Sustainability, Routledge.

5. David Harrison (2001) Tourism and the less developed world:  Issues and case studies, ABI publishing.

6. Charles R. Goeldner & J.R. Brent Ritchie, (2006) TOURISM Principles, Practices, Philosophies Tenth edition, WILEY.

7. UN ESCAP(2001) Promoting of Investment in Tourism Infrastructure.

8. UN ESCAP (2005) The Contribution of Tourism to Poverty Alleviation, ESCAP TOURISM REVIEW No. 25.

9. UNWTO (2008) Tourism and Community Development Asian Practices.

June 30, 2008 2nd Research Proposals and Site Matrix 4 Coordination

I have uploaded the 2nd Research Proposals and Site Matrices (submitted on time) onto the Filed Research Proposals and Reports Corner of this OFW Strategy HP.

Lean from the strategies of other WGs & start coordinating your research/survey efforts. Coordination among WGs at this point should be those for research issues/agenda, but not logistics, yet.

June 23, 2008 OFW Office Hours

I have so far dealt with Qs from WG1 (Econ. Development) and WG2 (Education). WG3 and WG4, don't you have anything to consult with me/us?

OFW Lectrue Materials

Lecture materials from Prof. Sunate and Prof. Ake are now downloadable from OFW Lecture HOs & Materials corner of this HP.

June 11, 2008 OFW Office Hours

Starting next week (June 18), whenever it would be possible, Professors of the OFW Committee (Prof. Phaisal, Prof. Ohashi, and/or myself) will spend additional 30+ minutes with students' WGs right after the OFW lectures for you to consult with us on your research strategies and other OFW related matters.

For other necessary consultations, make appointments with suitable member(s) of the OFW committee.

On actual field survey in Thailand, we will add two more professors from Japanese side, and a couple more from Thai side (Prof. Ohashi will later make an announcement on this). However, at the moment, we will not be able to count on their time/service.

Start utilizing the OFW MLs!

June 5, 2008 Visit OFW2008 Filed Research Proposals and Reports Corner for prototype Matix and for files from other WGs.

Sample Site-Theme-Qs Matrix

This is to share field survey strategies and coordinate activities of our 4 WGs.
Download this Excel skeleton file and develop your own Matrix.

Complete this STQ Matrix by the end of June, so that we can start coordinating efforts by WGs!

May 20, 2008 Two documents have been uploaded to "Filed_Research Proposals and Reports" Corner for your reference in making Research Proposals.

The Ingredients for Your 1st Research Proposal

Manual from OFW2008 (just for your reference)

May 10, 2008

Near-Term OFW Lecture Plan

(May 14)

1) Announcement of OFW groups & Self-Introductions among Groups (Prof. Otsubo and Prof. Ohashi)(10 minutes)

2) Other Administrative Announcements (Prof. Ohashi and Prof. Otsubo)(10 minutes)

3) Presentation of OFW2008 Basic Themes and Strategies (Prof. Otsubo)(25-30 minutes)

4) Introduction to Thai, Chiangmai (Prof. Phaisal) (10-15 minutes)

5) Site Introductions I (introduction by Prof. Phaisal + comments from Profs. Otsubo and Ohashi)(Prof. Phaisal, Prof. Otsubo, Prof. Ohashi)(the rest to the end)

(May 21)

1) Announcement of OFW group leader and sub-leaders (by Students' WGs)(10 minutes)

2) Handing over of documents to each WGs (maps, local info. flyer, etc.)(10 minutes)

3) How to create field research proposals with proposed combination of sites (Prof. Otsubo)(20 minutes)

4) Site Introductions II (to the end) (Prof. Phaisal, Prof. Otsubo, Prof. Ohashi)(the rest to the end)

If the time is too short to introduce all the sites, we would like to block sometime in May 28 lecture to finish all of the site introductions.

(May 28)

1) Social and Economic Development (Prof. Phaisal and Poo san) (60 minutes)

2) Site Introductions III (to introduce remaining sites, if necessary) (Prof. Phaisal, Prof. Otsubo, Prof. Ohashi)

3) Q&A session for preparing Field Research Proposals (All Profs.)

(June 4)

1) Presentation of Research Proposals by WGs

2) Supervised WG activities to improve/update research proposals

Updated Site Information Document is now available. Download it from the TOP Page. Lecture Hand Outs will also be available through this OFW2008 HP.