..Messages from Alumni

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Messages to Otsubo Seminar Members & GSID Students

Messages to GSID Students (received in April, 2006) from
Jean-Claude Maswana (Ph.D. in International Development, March 2003), Congo

(at Commencement 2003)

As I look back to my experience at GSID, I think it was the most important part of my academic training. I learned a great deal, both intellectually and practically during my studies at GSID. I would like to express my appreciation for all those who have contributed to developing such a fine institution.

I joined GSID in 1998, from my native Congo (Kinshasa), a typical low-income country. The beginning was extremely challenging but thanks to effective supports from my supervisor, professors and other staffs I could finally adjust into the school life. I learnt a lot, I had to. I was motivated and eager to understand the whole process of development. For this reason, I had high expectations.

I soon realized that professors at GSID were very supportive to students. I was particularly impressed by their high degree of professionalism and field-based experience as well as their cultural and intellectual flexibility. Naturally, the school’s interdisciplinary curriculum provided a balance between instruction in the theoretical and the applied aspects of development. What's clear to me now more than 3 years after I completed my PhD from GSID is what a good quality education I got. In particular, the analytical skills and substantive knowledge in the area of development policies have served me extremely well, then and now in my current role as a scholar.

Along the way, there were a lot of different stops and some interesting experiences, all of which were valuable, but the one I will never forget is my interaction with my seminar members and supervisor. The latter, an actively engaged mentor with up-to-date knowledge about the many requirements for all aspects of issues I was working on. From my supervisor, I also learnt that supervising foreign students goes behind the simple academic advising, but requires some dose of inter-personal communication and commitment Looking back, I think that experience defined who I am as a teacher, and taught me a new way to think about professor-student interaction.

With my seminar mates, I enjoyed the discussions about the challenges we had in common and the problems we all faced. I learnt that most of what you learn in a Ph.D. program comes from doing research on your own, working closely with your supervisors, communicating results in seminars (and attempting to publish), attending conferences, and talking to your fellow students. Soon after graduation, I missed that interaction and realized how important GSID was to my growth as a researcher.

From GSID, I had the unique opportunity to develop the freedom to think critically, independently, and to cultivate my mind to its fullest potential. Along with such benefits comes a tremendous personal responsibility?a responsibility to others, a responsibility to contribute to development, and a responsibility to teach and to serve, not only in my native country but at the global level. As a GSID graduate, this is what I perceive my role to be.

I do wish all current and future students would take advantage of the many opportunities that GSID offer and prepare themselves for future personal and international development challenges. My thoughts about GSID are unprintable. The whole experience has been awesome and I could go on for pages if you would let me, but I will leave it at this.

(In his office at Kyoto University)

Jean-Claude Maswana, PhD
Lecturer of Business Administration
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan
Phone: +81.75.753.3XXX

(JC moved to the JICA Research Institute in April 2009. Prof. Otsubo)

Message to GSID Students from (received in 2004)
Yoichiro Ishihara (Ph.D. in International Development, March 2004), Japan
石原陽一郎 学術博士(2004年3月)、日本



(指導教官 大坪滋: 石原君が本研究科博士課程に在学中、私自身インドネシア政府、あるいは日本政府アドバイザーとして通算で1年以上ジャカルタに滞在いたしました。石原君は仕事の都合上ほとんど名古屋には来れませんでしたが、在学中、師弟コンビで色々と開発の仕事を行うことが出来ました。また、彼はゼミの他のメンバーとのつながりも大切にしていました。大坪ゼミやGSIDの多くのゼミでは、石原君と同様に、開発の仕事をしながら学問を押し進め、博士号を取得しようとする院生にも広く門戸を開いています。)

Message to GSID Students from (received in June 2006)
Yoichiro Ishihara on "Career Development in Development Fields"


Professor Otsubo kindly asked me to share my career development in the development fields with GSID students. Although I myself am still in the middle of searching for my long-term career in this field, I thought this is a good opportunity to retrace my own carrier to think through my future career. More importantly, I sincerely hope this write-up contributes GSID students to providing hints for their future career development.

Many GSID students looking for job opportunity in development fields may feel difficulties to find positions. It is unfortunately well-known truth that getting job is not easy task as the job market in this field is very competitive, however, I strongly believe that a chance is higher if you rightly approaches positions and you are well equipped.

Currently, I am working for the World Bank as a macroeconomist at their office in Jakarta. I have spent almost 7 years in Indonesia- 5 years for the World Bank and 2 years for the Japanese embassy prior to joining the Bank. After the completion of MSc in Development Studies at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in University of London, I completed my PhD at GSID during my duties in Indonesia.

Accidental Start

Unlike most GSID students, I was not so much interested in development at the beginning. My interest started to grow after I started my master’s degree at SOAS in 1996. At that time I worked for a Japanese commercial bank (Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan (LTCB), now Shinsei Bank). LTCB sent me to study at SOAS, since LTCB needed an expert for Southeast Asia. I chose Indonesia as my main subject. The period when I was in MSc was in the middle of Asian crisis. Accordingly, I picked up Indonesia’s financial crisis for my masters thesis topic.

Though I got interested in development field while I was in SOAS, I had never thought to work in development field until recently. After the completion of my master’s degree, I went back to LTCB for a while. LTCB had planned to transfer me to its Indonesia branch. However, in 1998, LTCB faced serious financial trouble and eventually nationalized. As a result, LTCB changed their plan and I was not transferred to their Indonesia branch. That was the time I started considering to widen my carrier path and to work in the development field.

Economic advisor at Japanese embassy (大使館専門調査員)

Although I focused on Indonesia’s economy at SOAS, I had never been to Indonesia. I wanted to apply my academic knowledge to practice. My friend from Master’s degree informed me that there was a position opening at Japanese embassy in Indonesia as an economic advisor (so-called “senmon-chosa-in in Japanese). This position is considered as one of the entry points for newly graduated students with some working experiences into development field. The selection examination was not so difficult (though depending on competence of other candidates) and the position well worked for me. In 1999, the selection examination was the combination of English and interview. In my impression, preferred candidate was selected beforehand based on CV as well as recommendations from various sources. The interview was just for final conformation. As being an embassy staff, I moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, during my carrier in the Embassy, I participated in key discussions with Indonesian authorities including very high ranking officials including ministers. This experience also enabled me to learn Japanese foreign development assistance policy. This experience is still one of my most important assets, since Japanese government is a key player in the development field.

In my case the economic advisor position worked well for my career development, but in general there are couples of caveats. First, this is 2-year position (with possible 1 year extension) and there is no guarantee afterwards. Second, there are usually few experts in special areas in an embassy as the embassy’s roles are widespread in various areas. Embassy staffs are usually bureaucrats. An advisor is expected to be an expert in a special area. Accordingly, it is often difficult to exchange professional views in an academic sense. Third, the treatment and expectation towards an advisor differs between embassies. In some embassies, advisors are expected to play administrative roles rather than professional advices although these issues aren’t usually mentioned in the Terms of Reference (TOR). GSID students who wish to apply for an advisor positions should collect information beforehand and check whether the environment well fits to your interests and your future carrier path.

Japanese Trust Fund Consultant to Macroeconomist at World Bank
 (世界銀行: 日本政府信託基金コンサルタントから正規マクロエコノミストへ)

I started to work for the World Bank as a short-term consultant in 2001 and then became a staff in 2004. There are different entry points to work for the World Bank but it is often difficult to see such opportunity until you actually joined it. Most World Bank staffs start their careers from a short-term consultant expect for the Young Professional Program (YPP). [Information on YPP is available at World Bank website (www.worldbank.org)] Broadly speaking, there are four different types of contracts in the Bank; Open-ended staff, Termed-contracted staff, Extended termed consultant (ETC) and short termed consultant (STC). The job market in any forms in the Bank is very competitive and so as promotion from consultant to staff.

While I worked for Japanese embassy in Jakarta, I successfully established some contacts with economists in the World Bank Jakarta Office. Professor Otsubo, as ex-World Bank staff, also supported my career path to join the World Bank. I was interviewed by some economists in Jakarta as well as a director. After having been hired as a consultant, I had a chance asking for the reason why he hired me. His answer was simple. In addition to basic knowledge of Indonesia’s economy, he said he felt passion and interests for developments.

Japanese government contributes to the World Bank with financial resources through so-called Japan Trust Fund. There are some portions within such Trust Fund which a hiring manger in the Bank can use to hire consultants whose nationality needs to be Japanese. Currently, hiring STC using Japan Trust Fund is getting more difficult as the funds for this purpose is running out. But funds are still available to hire ETC. Though financially very advantageous, being hired as a consultant is not easy for Japanese nationals. As a minimum requirement, a consultant is required to have good communication skills in English (both conversation and writing). I had a serious difficulty in expressing my ideas in English when I started working for the World Bank, too. In my view, therefore, by training yourself at GSID, you can improve your communication (both verbal and writing) skills in English.

In 2004, I became a staff of the World Bank. Roughly a few percent of consultants can become staff these days. To become a staff, in addition to good working track record, strong recommendations from managers are indispensable. In the World Bank, references from managers and colleagues are quite important for hiring and promotions. People in the World Bank spend significant time for so-called “networking”, which means getting information on job openings and connecting yourself to hiring managers. This is very much different from Japanese culture and I needed to have time to adjust myself to this new environment. In my case, I am funded 50 percent by World Bank budget and the remaining 50 percent by Japanese government with using above mentioned Japan Trust Fund.

My View on Academic Record

From my experience as well as observing the job market from inside, master’s degree is a minimum requirement to work in development field. Though depending on what kind of job types you are looking at, when I hire a consultant I put more emphasis on working experiences rather than the subject at master’s degree.

GSID students wishing to have an economist position should consider PhD. At the same time, you should consider how to take a balance between academic record and work experience. A lot of economists in international development filed have PhD degree and it is now considered like a driving license. Unlike master’s degree, PhD topic to some extent determines career direction. I would recommend GSID students to strategically choose the topic. For example, a choice of country specific topic is positively evaluated for positions related to a country. In other words, it might constrain your mobility or flexibility. In my case, my PhD thesis topic is “Economic governance and crisis in emerging economies”. In my dissertation, in addition to cross-country analysis, I allocated one chapter for Indonesia’s case study.

Advice to GSID students

From my experience, I would point out 3 key points for finding positions in development fields.

Strategically sell yourself at job market: You have to compete with others in the job market like in any other job market. It is very important to be strategic how you can sell yourself at job market. What are your strengths? How do you want to appeal your strengths? Are you well equipped in terms of academic record and/or work experience? Why would hiring managers choose you among candidates? Can you clearly describe yourself why you well fit a particular position? Does your CV clearly describe your strength? You have to consider these questions before you apply.

Networking: While working/studying in development field, you have a lot of chances to establish your own network with people who have been already working for the development field. Your network gives ideas on what opportunities are open; what kinds of skills (i.e. working experience and academic record) are required.

Proactive action: Establishing network takes time at the beginning and you may have to act proactively. For example, students from US/UK attempt to get internship positions at the World Bank while doing master/PhD. Although internship positions are getting more competitive, they seem very useful for students in two ways. One is to know development practices. The other is to establish networking. In our office, some colleagues did internships before working for the World Bank.

Message to GSID Students from
Debra Jewell (M.A. in International Development, March 2000), United States

Japan is under pressure to improve its ODA, and while Japanese aid agencies tend to look to the World Bank and the other regional banks for development trends, there is a wealth of knowledge in Japanese academia. An improved link between institutions like JBIC and JICA, and academic institutions like GSID, would not only improve Japanese ODA but would also mean GSID research findings would be disseminated more efficiently throughout the broader development world, and thereby GSID work would more directly translate into benefits for the developing world. The human link is the most effective conduit between academia and the institutions that implement aid, and this link will strengthen and expand as more GSID graduates fan out into the working development world.

The faculty at GSID and breadth of the curriculum are invaluable. Development is an extremely broad field, and having a level of familiarity with a number of fields is essential. The inspiration you get from the faculty is what will propel you to then acquire the specialized, technical skills that will make you able to make a more viable contribution to the field of development. I look back on the routine work of the courses?presentations, papers, and debates?as extremely valuable. There are a million development practitioners out there; the benchmark is an adequate ability to affect critical analysis and vocalize thoughts well. To be successful, you must be that much better. GSID prepares its students to enter the development field with the ability to express educated opinions. The faculty and student network then lays out the first steps for graduates to find the way into that field. (The rest is then up to us!)

(at Debbi's office in JICA, Washington, D.C.)

New Message (July 2006) from Debra Jewell Saito, now an Economist at FRB New York!

Dear Professor,

I'm very happy to be writing you now with one month under my belt at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York! Some people might wonder if I've bailed out on international development by leaving JBIC and JICA for the Fed, but I actually think of this work as another kind of development--monitoring the banking sector and supporting (hopefully) global economic stability. I'm still sticking with public goods!

Part of my interest in the banking sector stems from my work with JBIC (2000-2003), when I worked on a project in the Dominican Republic. I visited the country a number of times and saw how devastating the effects were of the # 2 private bank (Banco Inter-Continental) folding in a massive scandal (and bringing others down with it). Seeing what had been the LAC darling of economic growth in the 90's set a reverse course to negative GDP was really sobering, and I became more interested in the banking sector--especially the importance of the Superintendency of banks. At the same time, every Ministry of Finance (in LAC) that I visited would comment on how they were really hoping for a strengthening of the US economy; that saying about the US catching a cold and other countries then getting pneumonia rang very true. That got me thinking more about the responsibilities of the US banking sector.

I also had a couple of years of experience in JICA, and I guess one of the things I came to feel strongly about is that even though there’s a place for project aid and technical cooperation, unless a developing country can manage its finances (tax collection, debt management, etc.), foreign aid becomes sort of a stop-gap measure. I started to feel like the best aid?in my opinion?for a developing country would be to assist them with their economic management?i.e., getting finances on the right track, so that they can allocate their own finances to fund education, health, etc. (If they choose not to, that’s another problem, but one thing at a time.) My personal long-term development goal came to be to gain the financial knowledge and understanding to be able to help developing countries do that.

I joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York via the Accelerated Professional Development (APD) program in Bank Supervision. (Accelerated simply means you’ve had work experience already. There are regular PD opportunities for people straight out of school.) This is a WONDERFUL opportunity!!! For six months, outside of some classroom training, my “APD class” will rotate to various departments and have a number of assignments. At the end of the six months, hopefully we’ll have networked well enough to have a position waiting for us. (The regular PD program means you rotate for 12 months.) It’s an incredibly supportive working environment, and I’m extremely happy.

I’m just starting out so hopefully I’ll have better advice in the future, but for now I would tell GSID graduates that to broaden your future work opportunities, try to stay in the study mode. (Not that you want to hear that in the midst of thesis/ dissertation-writing….) But the cohorts in my APD class mainly come from investment banking backgrounds, and if I hadn’t taken evening courses in mathematical economics, calculus, financial accounting, etc., I don’t know if I could’ve gotten my foot in the door here. (Outside the int’l development circle, when you mention that that’s your background, a lot of people (especially potential employers) get a very blank look on their faces.) That toughens the job search, so why you have to be that much better at selling yourself. When looking for a job, GSID graduates, have your elevator speech perfected! (Your “elevator speech” is the 2-3 minute spiel that says VERY QUICKLY what you can do and what you want to do?it must be able to hook people in, or you won’t get any more than 2-3 minutes.)

This is way too long for a message-for-the-board, Professor, I apologize for the length! Feel free to edit as you like. I’m just very happy now and want to spread the wealth.

Hope all is well with you and your students, and all the alumni checking out your message board.

Debby (Jewell Saito)

卒業生から大坪ゼミ、GSID院生へのメッセージ (received in June 2006): 
武田長久 Nobuhisa TAKEDA (Ph.D. in International Development, March 1998), Japan




(Nobuhisa on the far left in both pictures taken in Indonesia)

武田長久 (TAKEDA Nobuhisa)
独立行政法人国際協力機構 国際協力総合研修所
Tel: 03-3269-XXXX Fax: 3269-XXXX
E-mail: Takeda.Nobuhisa@XXXXXXX

Message to GSID Students from
Masakazu Someya (Ph.D in International Development, July 1998), Japan

My name is Masakazu Someya. Since it has been six years since my graduation from GSID, it is easier for me to talk about something that I learned after graduation rather than to recall something I learned when I was in GSID.

There are some benefits in GSID, which you are not really aware of when you are in GSID because you take it for granted but you will appreciate when you graduate and come to know other graduate schools

One of such benefits of GSID lies in its very liberal nature of the institution. The GSID is very liberal compared with similar institutions of International Development and Public Policy, which have an atmosphere more like traditional “The Ivory Tower”. In GSID, many faculty staff have degrees from abroad or experiences to have studied abroad. The faculty staff are also quite diverse in backgrounds: some of them come from private sector, some from public sector or some from international organization. The students are also very diverse in terms of culture, ethnicity and back grounds. In fact, international students account for a significant share of the student in GSID.

Such diversity in faculty staff as well as in students forms a unique and very liberal nature of the GSID. This very liberal atmosphere provide you a superb environment for learning development and for making research, and an unique opportunity to feel a touch of life in developing world, which are not obtainable from textbooks but will give an important flavor to your work even after your graduation.

Lastly but not least, please remember that the liberal and diverse environment of GSID does not necessarily get you what you want in your life but it only helps you get it. Remember that it is not GSID but you who, have to be a driving force and get you what you want in your life. But, surely GSID helps you do it

(at Masa's office in the World Bank, Washngton, D.C.)

Dr. Masakazu Someya moved back to Japan and joined JBIC (International Evaluation/Examination Division) in April 2007.

Message to GSID Students from
Michael M. Lusterio (M.A. in International Development, March 2002), Philippines

My two-year M.A. program at the Department of International Development of the Graduate School of International Development (DID-GSID), Nagoya University was a very challenging, rewarding and enlightening experience that I can count as one of the best in my academic life so far. With the expert guidance of Professors Yumiko Okamoto (my main adviser) and Shigeru Otsubo (my former adviser) complemented by the lectures and discussions in the classes of Professors Osada, Kubota, Wakabayashi, Okada and my other GSID professors, I was exposed to the varied concepts, issues and branches of study in international development. I experienced firsthand how multi-faceted international development is as a discipline and which, to my view, was still at its nascent stages during our time. The truly international set-up in GSID, my daily interactions, sharing of ideas and discussions with my co-students from all over the world helped a lot in my coursework and deepening my knowledge of the development issues confronting different countries. I remember very well our presentations in Okamoto sensei’s classes, both for the individual students thesis and/or dissertation and the assigned chapters on Paul Kruggman’s book on International Trade. This exercise really pushed us to try and study harder going through the process of learning, unlearning and re-learning. It also helped us gain familiarity with the other areas of international development that was not primarily our interest but were covered by the research undertaking of our colleagues. Professor Otsubo’s market experiment on his subject made us feel the “invisible hand” at work and our study group on Joseph Stiglitz’s Micro and Macroeconomics provided us a good area of critically discussing and establishing some confidence on the conceptual foundation of economics.

I learned that international development is continuously evolving and to have it as a major or to earn the bragging rights conferred by the degree necessitates continuous studies even after finishing the course at GSID. Fortunately, my work now at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas allows me to be in touch with the latest issues in international development, albeit focusing only on banking regulations to align risk management practices and risk to capital assessment of local banks with international standards, which in itself, is undergoing revisions and will become the New Capital Accord or the Basel II Capital Accord. The discipline and concepts I learned from GSID are important factors helping me appreciate my work and give me a wide-ranging grasp of the issues on banking regulations and new financial products. For all of these, I will end by saying “Thank you to my dear professors, and more power and success to GSID.”


Greetings and 'What's New' from Otsubo Seminar Alumni

December 2010 From Yoichiro in Washington, D.C., USA

Yoichiro Ishihara with His Family
Senior Economist
Aid Effectiveness Unit
Operations Policy & Country Services
The World Bank. Washington, D.C.

December 2010

From Kenichi Nishikawa in Mexico

Professor Otsubo:

I am pleased to inform you of my promotion inside the Social Development Ministry.

On November 15th I was promoted to Operational Director for 3 Social Development Programs in Mexico, so I had to move to Mexico City and left Chihuahua.

Hope you and the class are doing great.

Best Regards


November 2009 From Tolkun in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Dear Otsubo sensei ,

 I have a very good news and want to share it with you.

 I am not sure do you aware about what is going on in Kyrgyzstan. President announced major reforms in the public administration system on October 20. After that the President Administrations where I was working  was dissolved.

On the base of former Administration two entities were organized:
1. President's apparatus

2. Central Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic on Development, Investment and Innovations

I was promoted and became - the Head of the Service on development strategies and programs  at the Central Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic on Development, Investment and Innovations.

 Thats all,



April 2008 From Wenyan Fan, Shenzhen, China

Dear Professor Otsubo,

Hondoni, Ohisashiburi de gozaimasu. 

I hope this mail will bring you a pleasant surprise, dear Otsubo Sensi.  I'm Fan,  your first seminar member from China during the 2002-2004 academic year. Here I am in Shenzhen, China, writing you with my deep gratitude and respect to you.  I'm very glad to know that you opened the Members' Network. Otsubo Sensi has always been so creative, supportive and illuminative that you have been making a lot of differences in your member's career and life,  now and forever.  

It has been three years since my graduation from GSID.  From time to time, I've meant to write you when I dropped by your Web Homepage and learned about your updating achievements,  new members and parties.  I want to say, I've always been proud of being a member of your students.  Whenever I 'm asked to introduce myself, I would like to mention about GSID and you, which has left me a great variety of experiences and skills as an "international people".  Now I'm very lucky to be able to pursue my career in a global company as a learning professional.  I owe you and GSID many thanks.

In Jan 2007,  I joined Huawei Technologies, Co., Ltd., a Chinese telecoms and networking equipment maker, which has over 60,000 Chinese employees and 10,000 non-Chinese employees, working  across over 100 branch offices worldwide. Last year Huawei's contract sales reached USD16 billion, 72% was from international market.  As a young global player, Huawei has great challenges in terms of development of human resources.  My position is with Huawei University, the enterprise training organization. I'm mainly responsible for developing cross-cultural training and establishing platform for international education. As you can see, the size and financial importance of the overseas operations makes the international component of Huawei as relevant as its technologic footprint. The same attention that is put to the technical training has to be placed in the international training of all employees. This is my "mission" to develop a comprehensive international educational strategy and establish an effective cross-cultural training system, to help people to be prepared work globally.  I think Huawei's globalization process can be a very good case to study and I'm thinking the possible cooperation with GSID in the future. 

Sensei, you might remember, when I worked on my master thesis on "A Comparative Institutional Analysis About Relationship Between Government And Business", I did the case study of ICT Industries of China, especially about Huawei.  I remember once in our seminar party, you played a joked on me that I should join Huawei, since I have advertised a lot for Huawei.  It's funny, the joke turned to be a prophesy. Life is really full of amazing things.  I hope I can have some chances to work with you in the future...  If you like, you can have a look at my workplace on the following webpage and one photo when I was in Athens with my multinational trainees.


(Wenyan Fan is in the front row, the second person from the right.)

Dear Sensi, I wish all the best for you and all your seminar members!

Looking forward to meeting you somewhere in one corner of the world one day. 

Best Regards! 

Wenyan Fan

Wenyan Fan

Training and Development Specialist
Corporate Culture Department, Huawei University,
Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd., China

April 2008

From Tolkun in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Dear Otsubo sensei, 

This is excellent and timely idea to refresh our communication. Time is running very fast and world became smaller day by day, especially to the people working in the development field.

It is great honor for me be a part of the Otsubo's seminar crew. The time proved that the seminars and your supervision equipped me with knowledge and experience on the highest level, and made me feel confident in my professional field. I miss all seminar members, and hope that one day we will have a chance to meet again.

It was a while since my last letter to you. During this time I tried myself in various fields. I have worked as a chief economist for central bank, was a head of the NGO, consultant and even passed through academia one more time.

Now I am working as a consultant in Private and Financial Sector Development Department, World Bank Country office in Kyrgyzstan.

If you will have a chance to visit Kyrgyzstan, know that you have a place to stay and free guide.

This invitation is open to any seminar member.

With respect,


April 2007 From Farah Shamim, Toronto, Canada

Dear Professor Otsubo and Zemi fellows,

How are you doing?
I thought to use common mailing address to thanks you all before I would have been wiped off from this list J. 
I arrived Toronto safely on the 31st March and I feel really relieved being with a family and to see that my children are very happy with their dad and grandparents. OTSUKARESAMA!
Here, I would like to thank you, Sensei for making things easy for me and to allow me to finish my PhD smoothly. I thank for the support and encouragement from my seminar fellows and for their messages and flowers on the graduation day. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
I think six years in GSID are the best years in my life during which I excelled and librated myself from many barriers of ignorance and dependence. I feel myself highly lucky and fulfilled who could manage to obtain two degrees along with taking care of my children alone. I think this all become possible only due to having Prof. Otsubo on my side. Thank you Sensei!
Good luck to you all and may Allah bless you all.
Take care and keep in touch.
Toronto, Canada

October 2006 From Tolkun, visiting Texas, USA

Dear Otsubo sensei,

 Thank you very much for you last letter. I am doing well here in Texas. It is very interesting place, the Texas people are a little bit different from the people from other parts of America, and also they have a very funny English accent. Anyway it is nice place for me due to the mild climate. It is not cold here at all J It is almost the end of October but we still wear T-shirts here.

 How are you? How is your job in Africa? I do not know should you go to Africa or are you doing your job staying in Nagoya? I guess that you should go to Africa J 

Sensei I need an advice from you, I required to do a literature review on Mundell ?Flaming model, with focus on its implications on local level.

The Mundel-Fleming model is basically a development from IS-LM model, which states that it is possible to make only 2 choices out of 3 possible. Each set of choices have different distributional effects on society. Different people benefit depending which set of policies under the Mundel-Fleming model was chosen. Typically in literature it is discussed on capital vs labor, but it is also possible to look on the implications of this model by the industrial sector. Industrial sectors are not equally distributed across the country, so there are geographic implications to the choice of the two policies which we pick up and if that true, that must be true that politicians at the local level are reacting to that by designing taxes on the local level that account for the fact that there are different concentration of industry that are benefit or punish by specific choice.

Sensei can you recommend me any literature on above topic?

With respect,

P.S. Please find attached some resent pictures

Dear Otsubo sensei, 

            I am writing you from the Denton, Texas. As I informed you before I am currently involved in the one-year non-degree research program under the Edmund S. MUSKIE Graduate fellowship program at the Department of Public Administration, University of North Texas. In accordance with University requirements in addition to my research, I required to take 3 courses at Department of Public Administration per semester in order to be in "status". "To be in status" means fulfill requirements of the Department of Homeland Security of USA's Government. At the beginning, I was thinking that it would be boring to take classes while I have topic to research, but since classes started I found them interesting and to some extend useful to my research and future career. In classes, we discuss a lot the theories and practice of American public administration and it remind me our Otsubo's seminars, which were enormous source of information. Here one more time I faced the problem of morality and economics but in slightly different point of view here we mainly discuss ethics and practice in public administration and for me it is much easier to understand everything that professor is talking about because we already discussed these things during our seminars. So one more time I want to thank you for excellent theoretical knowledge and your practical experience, which I was able to obtain during study under your supervision.  

  I am enclosing a picture where I am with Minister of Finance.

 With respect,
Tolkunbek Abdygulov
Department of Public Administration
University of Noth Texas

September 2006 From Wang Ping in Portland, USA

Dear Otsubo Sensei,

Time flies really too fast! The summer holiday is almost over now for students and I have already graduated from school for over four months now! It took me a total of four months to prepare all the files and wait for the result of the green card application.

Finally, on Aug 31st, I got my green card which means from that day on I can work in this country! On the next day, Sep. 1st, I had my first job interview and luckily today Sep 2nd though Saturday I received the job offer from the previous interview! It took only three days to have the job permit, the first job interview and the offer.

The company is called NISSIN International Transportation. *Nissin Group* It is an international logistics company and my position is international shipping coordinator for the Asian market*mainly China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Marco,...* located in Vancouver Washington State which is about 15 minutes drive from where we live.*Portland OR*. Besides the nice location of this job, I am also very interested in the duties of this position---market research, shipping arrangement, communicating with overseas companies, policy suggestions on the most efficient transportation methods, etc. I will start my job from next week on and my first business trip will be arranged to China within a couple of weeks. Working from now on is going to be a new challenge, a serious challenge in my life. Watashimo yoku kakugowo shite honkini ganbaritaidesu!

I wish that I can bring more good news to you and to our dear zemi members from now on. Best Regards to minasan in our zemi.

Please take care.
Ping Wang

Wang Ping
Congraturations on your getting a green card and a new job!
Enjoy your 'business' trip back to China.

Prof. Otsubo

August 2006 From Kimchhay in Phonom Penh, Cambodia:

Dear Sensei,

I trust this email finds you in good health and happiness.

As you can gather from my email address, I have changed my job. I thought it was a right time for me to move on and move up on my career ladder. I resigned from my previous job as an Economic and Commercial Assistant at the US embassy 2 months ago. My years at the Economic section of the Embassy was quite rewarding professionally. I am still at the embassy, but with a different agency. This is my second month with the USAID as a Project Management Specialist. As my position suggests, I am primarily responsible for managing projects in the areas of democracy and governance. As you can see, this is totally a new turf for me. There is no economic aspect to it, maybe some. But it is interesting to be in this new area, albeit a little challenging.

With Kind Regards,

Kim Chhay Ly
Project Management Specialist (D&G)
Office of General Development /USAID
US Embassy Phnom Penh
Tel: (855) 23 728 XXX
Direct line: (855) 728 XXX
Cell: 012 525 XXX
Email: kly@usXXXXXXXXX
Website: www.usaid.gov/kh

Kim Chhay

Many thanks for this update. I hope you will enjoy this new assignment. As you may know, some of Otsubo seminar's Cambodian studnets are quite interested in governance issues,too. By the way, GSID OFW mission is now in Cambodia for about 2 weeks.

Prof. Otsubo

July 2006 From Wang Ping in Portland, USA

Dear Professor Otsubo,

How are you doing?

It has been over three months now since graduation! I am currently still in the process of geting my employment permit from the U.S. imigration office (It surprised me that how long it takes to get an employment permit!). While, at the same time, I am looking around for job opportunities in Portland where we currently live. Just want to update the information and hope next time I can bring you a piece of better news.

Have a nice summer and best regards to zemi members.


Ping Wang

Wang Ping
It takes time to settle into a new life. One by one. Step by step.
Prof. Otsubo

June 2006 From Tolkun in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Dear Otsubo sensei,

How are you doing? I hope that thing going very well and you still enjoy your work at GSID.

I have news, I am going to USA for 1 year. This is 1 year non degree research program from august 2006 to august 2007. During this year I will continue research in SME finance schemes for Central Bank of Kyrgyz Republic. My candidature was nominated by National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic and approved by the USA Department of state. I do not know in which University I will do my research yet. As soon as I will get information I will inform you.

Also I would like to ask one question. I was planning to apply for Monbukagakusho scholarship for 2007 in order to study for PhD in GSID, so I want to know you opinion about this. Would you wish to be my academic adviser again? Or may be you think that this is a not good idea?

Sorry for disturbing you.
With respect,

Tolkunbek Abdygulov
Chief Economist
Project Implementation Department
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

It's good to hear from you. Wishing you the best on your upcoming tour to the US. In the US economy, you should also pay attention to the roles of local (state/county/...) as well as central governments and other local public agencies in SME developments. On the side of the private capital markets, check the incubator funds, angel funds, etc. and the bank financing for SME investments (including the kinds of banks operating within the state borders).

On pursuing Ph.D., if you wish to come back to GSID, I can supervise your study again. However remember that, for Ph.D., you will need well-thought research plan and much rigorous analyses. Prepare well (with your connections to Kyrgyz and the US cases) for this challenge.

Prof. Otsubo

June 2006 From Judit in Budapest, Hungary

Dear Professor Otsubo,

After two and a half months I received and accepted an offer for a position at Ernst & Young.

My title is Senior Project Coordinator. I will be working in the Business Development and Marketing Department at the Central Europe South region, including Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. My responsibilities will be around service quality assurance, knowledge management and communication (both internal and external) improvement in the region.

I am based in Budapest, but since this is a regional position I most probably will be travelling frequently.

With my boss, the Sales and Marketing Director of the region, we started talking about various work options already when I came back from Japan. Last week, Thursday we had our final meeting, where I got and accepted the offer and I needed to start immediately this Monday.

I am very happy with this position and work. This is not the usual marketing job, like the sales promotion of various products, but deals with communication and knowledge management between and among people, which is somewhat similar to what I worked on in my Master's research. Also since this is a regional job, I will have the broader view than if only working for the Hungarian market. And lastly, Ernst & Young as a company has very good opportunities for me for the long professional improvement and career.

Hereby I would like to say thank you once again for the knowledge, the guidance and support which I received from you, and which prepared me for my future professional life.

If there would be any questions or matters I could help or give information about to you and to all the members of the Otsubo's Exploration Party, I am always available and be glad to do it.

I will give all my details to Penghuy so that he can do the administration.

I wish you all the best and kind regards,


It's good to hear from you. Congratulations on your new job!
As a pro in this area of knowledge management and communication, you will be more and more keen on the results/impacts on the ground of the apparatus and modes of communication that you will be managing. This is exactly what many wished to ask out of your MA research.
Good luck on your new venture. Keep me informed and updated.

Prof. Otsubo

May 2006 From Noot in Indiana, USA

Dear Otsubo sensei,

How are you doing lately? I guess you are busy as always.
I have a good news to tell you that I just got offered to work for the office of Building Better Communities, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. I think it's a perfect job for me because it's related to economic development and they share the same values as us, which is to improve people's quality of life (though for people in Indiana only here). The title of my position is "Research Economist." They expect me to use my skills to do economic research, to find strengths and weeknesses of counties and towns in Indiana (which are their customers). How to make these counties and towns become more competitive and create sustainable jobs. I was interviewed by 4 people and one of them is an economist who has been in Indiana all his life.

The more I discussed about economic development with him, I realized how lucky I am to be trained under international atmosphere at GSID. He questioned the definition of our "economc development" and the application of CGE models to poverty reduction! His definition for economic development is all about business development. The office that I will be working for depends on him to do economic research for them project by project or when they need comments from an economist, but now they want to have thier own economist so they are hiring me. Luckily that they understand well what I have been trained for. One lady (she's English) was very impressed at my dissertation and she said the story of my thesis can be applied to what's happening in Indiana since they are facing the same kinds of problems. I'm not sure if she has called you to ask about me since I have given your name and contact numbers as one of my references. Sensei, I'm so happy that I found the job that I seem to like and I just want to share this with you and thank you again for your long support and great advice. I will start working on June 5th and have to drive 1 hr 20 mins each way to work everyday. I'm willing to do this now, but they said when things get all settled, I can work from home like 2 days a week. They are very flexible and I'm very happy about that.

Here is my job description sensei.

I think it's a good start for me even it's a small university. Don't you think so? Though they seem to be very pround of themselves. Please take a good care sensei. I go to your website sometimes and feel that the zemi this year is so full of energy!

Best regards,


Congratulations, Noot!
It is my sheer joy to see my students move forward in their career steps one by one, and in that process, make their capacity that they acquired here at GSID useful to the society.
Aim high! Aim at quality jobs! Keep in touch.

Prof. Otsubo

May 2006 From Dondi in Wellington, New Zealand

G’day Sensei,

It has been a good 4 years since I have last made contact with you. I just wanted to let you know what I have been up to in the last couple of years.

After 5 years as an Information Specialist with CAB International in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, I went back to the Philippines in 2004 to take up the post of the head of the Knowledge Management Unit of the Southeast Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), one of the 15 regional centers of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). In 2005, I then took up a post with the United Nations Development Program to be the National Information and Promotion Consultant in the project - Capacity Building to Remove Barriers to Renewable Energy Development in the Philippines (CBRED).

Early this year, however, I immigrated to New Zealand to take up the post as the Information Manager with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s BIZ PORTAL. It is the whole-of-government business portal designed to make it easier to run a business. It serves as online business adviser, providing a gateway to business resources in New Zealand. Please visit our site at www.biz.org.nz.

All for now and if you and any other members of the exploration party ever find yourself in windy Wellington, please do drop me a line.

Cheers and all the best,


Dondi Cagampang
Information Manager - biz Portal
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Visit www.biz.org.nz - your gateway to business resources

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is the New Zealand Government's national economic development agency. Through its network of offices worldwide, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise aims to grow New Zealand's economy by boosting the capability of businesses and regions and facilitating their sustained and profitable participation in overseas markets. www.nzte.govt.nz

Good to hear from you. I once visited NZ government in Wellington, late 1990s.
I also attended one APEC conference at Auckland. NZ seems to be a good country to live in.
Enjoy your work there.
Best, Prof. Otsubo

April 2006 From Keiji in Phnom Penh JICA Office

Dear Otsubo sensei and Seminar member,

I'm keiji. Thank you for your coordination to add my e-mail address to new mail list.

In cambodia, it is very hot these days. However, I'm working very hard in JICA cambodia office. In some weeks, I will send you information of my internship.

To new otsubo seminar members, welcome to otsubo seminar. I'm not in japan, however especially for master students, my seat will be next to you after 1 year. Good luck for your study for a year! I'm so looking forward to study and write the master thesis with you.

In addition that, if you will attend the Overseas fieldwork to cambodia in this summer, let you come to JICA cambodia office!

Sincerely yours,



伊藤景司 / Keiji ito

JICA カンボジア事務所 在外専門調整員

JICA Cambodia office, Program assistant

Adress: #440A, Preah Monivong BLVD, Tunle Bassac, Chamkar Mon, P.O.BOX 613, Phnom Penh,

Tel : 012-222-XXX

E-mail: XXX

Thanks for your message. Enjoy your work out there! Prof. Otsubo

February 2006 Kenichi Victor (from Chihuahua, Mexico)

Prof. Otsubo:

I am glad to inform you that I am now a proud burocrat of the Mexican Federal Government.

I competed for the position of Chief of the Poverty Reduction Programs in the State of Chihuahua for SEDESOL (Secretaria de Desarrollo Social) or Social Development Ministry. After 3 exams and 2 inteviews, I won the job.

I started working on February 1st.

Jus to update you, I was going to work for the Korea JETRO (dont remember the name) but the lied about the salary and I didnt like the real deal.

On October went back to Ensenada and took charge for 3 months of the Family business, where we fish and export live geoduck clam (mirugai) to Hong Kong and Shanhai.

Now I am in the state of Chihuahua and I am running this department for the Federal Government here.

(please update my file in you web page)

One more thing, I`ve heard of the problems that a faculty member has been creating with his protagonist intentions.

I read this persons email and I felt that even if he had a valid point to make, he doenst have any tact and/or humbleness to argue in a civilized way about it. The university is a space to dicuss and argue diferent ideas but with arguments, and in a civilized fashion, He is just another "Pseudo-Che Guevara" student from latin America (as though we needed one more).

Please say hello to everyone in the seminar.

Best Regards


Well done! Enjoy your new assignment as a public officer. Prof. Otsubo

October 2005 Tolkun's message (from Kyrgyztan)

Dear Otsubo sensei,

How are you doing? How is you life? How is you students? It is almost 7 month past since I left Nagoya. Time is running too fast. Especially when you are working in post revolution country. As you know we have a revolution here in Kyrgyzstan. Now we have a new president and new prime minister. It means that governmental policy in economy also have changed.

I still working in Central Bank as Chief economist of the project implementation department.
In my daily life at work I have found that study under you supervision in GSID filled me with enourmous amount of knowledge which gives me opportunity to feel myself confident in everything!!!

Thanks a lot for everything SENSEI!!!

Please pass hello to all members of Otsubo seminar.

With respect,

Tolkunbek Abdygulov

Chief Economist
Project Implementation Department
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Tel: (996312) 669XXX
Mob: (996543) 911XXX

I imagine how tough your assignments are under today's condition of Kyrgyztan. Be professional and act like a professional. Good luck! Prof. Otsubo

September 2005 Kimchhay's message (from Phonom Penh, Cambodia):

Dear Sensei,

I hope you had a wonderful visit to Cambodia. I was very pleased to hear that you were in Cambodia. But I am sorry that I could not make it and do some catching up with you here. My busy schedule out of Phnom Penh effectively prevented me from meeting you. It was good for me to at least talk with you on the phone although it was such a short time. I hope you will come to Cambodia again in the near future.

With Kind Regards,

Kim Chhay Ly

Economic and Commercial Assistant

US Embassy Phnom Penh

I visited Cambodia with Penghuy and several GSID professors this September. Unfortunately we could not see Kimchhay as he was out of town on an official duty. Maybe next time. Prof. Otsubo

October 2005 Message from Shina








志奈 アジア経済研究所での仕事、お疲れ様でした。 何時も元気だった貴女が体調を崩していたとは知りませんでした。 今度は弁護士を目指すとの事、健闘を祈ります。 マイペースでやってください。 大坪

January 2005 Muko's message (from Congo, Africa)

Prof. Otsubo,

Long time without writing to you. But I still read some of your messages posted on the GSID web site. How have you been doing?

For myself there has been some improment in my career. I got the official nomination as an Associate Professor from the Ministry of Education. Presently, I am the Vice-Dean and de facto Dean (since there is no dean in my department) at the faculty of Business and Economics of the catholic University of Bukavu. The problem of a dean here is how to make things be done: programming cours, finding the write person in a world of few Ph.D and M.A teachers. I am also an Associate Professor at the Institute of Rural Development.

Last year I was trying to invite Dr. Someya to join us for some lectures, he promised to come but since he left the WB I lost his contact.

If you know some teachers or students who would like to have African experience, please introduce them to me.

Please Give my regards to all the old and new members of the large family of GSID.



Bukavu, DR Congo

Cell Phone: 00243-9836-XXXX

Muko My apology that I could not respond to your message soon. Keep in touch and let us consider our future cooperation. Prof. Otsubo

December 2003 Muko's message (from Congo, Africa)

Prof. Otsubo,

How are you doing there in Nagoya and especially at GSID? Here in eastern DR congo things are starting going well. I just finish organizing a visit of 4 Japaneses from Nagoya who came to visit rural (agricultural areas) Congo. One of the Japanese members is 76, he lives in Nisshin-shi, Akaike and he is a member of JA Nagoya. He just donated 4 hand-tractors to an agricultural high school which I am the PTA leader. Other 2 members are beyond 50 and both enjoyed visiting my university and the various agricultural projects I am dealing with here at university. Presently there is still one Japanese here who is studying Swahili.

For my job, officially I am now Associate Professor and chief of the section of Agricultural Development Unit at my University. Also at my university there is an attached Institut of Rural Development in which I am in charge of International Cooperation.

You can see that not only I am concerned with activities at university but also with basic education in agriculture from high school. My principal goal is to bring some agricultural technological in the region. My university and the institut of rural development is joined by student from Rwanda and Burundi. It is thus a kind of international institution.

Please Prof Otsubo, how can my school establishes contacts with GSID and other related organizations which are affiliated with JICA? We have researchers and students who would like to know more about JICA and various agricultural projects Japan is organizing with developing countries. We would also to analyse the possibilities of doing research together.

I hope I will here from you in coming days.
Please give my regards to old students of GSID who ate still remember me.
My regards also to Profs Nishimura and Ezaki.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Bukavu, DR Congo

Cell Phone: 00243-9836-XXXX

September 2003 Muko's message (from Congo, Africa)

Prof Otsubo,

How are you doing in Japan. This is to give you information on my whereabouts. I have been in Africa since June. I first found a teaching position in Tanzania, but due to the difficulty of getting a working permit in a short time, I decided to come to the eastern DR Congo.Presently, I am teaching Food economics and Agricultural Policy at the Catholic University of Bukavu. To tell the truth I am de facto in charge of the department of Rural Economy/Department. The school has few Ph.D and thus probably I may be nominated as a professor this coming academic year. Academically this may be great but on salary matters, here the pay is not great. Catholic Universty of Bukavu is a kind of private university but has the best reputation in the region.

My next goals will be to establish relationship between this universityand Japan. Probably GSID may want to have some links or relationshipsin Africa. DR Congo is moving on a full peace process and it will be totallysafe for students, for example from GSID who are studying topicsrelated to Africa to visit my school and thus the region.

Please give my regards to all the members of your seminar.

Best Reagrds


Phone: 00243-9836-XXXX

(If you need his #, get in touch with me. Prof. Otsubo)

May 2003 Kimchhay's message (from Washington, D.C. this time):

> Dear Sensei:


> How are you? It has been quite a while since my last correspondence. I

> trust you are in good shape as always. I know that everybody under your

> supervision enjoy your seminar and guidance. I do miss them and those good

> old days.


> You might be surprised, but I bumped into Debbie in Washington DC last

> month at a bookstore! I meant to catch up with her for a couple of tea or

> something, but my schedule did not allow me to do so. It was such a

> pleasant surprise and encounter with her in the middle of DC!.


> I was sent to DC for about one month training at Foreign Service Institute

> of the US State Department. I had two training courses there and numerous

> consultations with US officials at various institutions.The training

> courses were on economics and Trade Agreement Implementation (Multilateral

> trading arrangements: WTO). The courses were abosolutely great, no doubt

> about it.


> I met heaps of US officials for my consultations from various agencies

> such as State Department and USTR. One of the most unforgetable ones was

> the tour of the Capitol Hill witnessing the democracy in action. I was

> fortunate enough to have a kind Congressman I met here in Cambodia to help

> me out with the tour. It was absolutely a gripping moment indeed. I have

> some of pictures taken with him. If you have a chance, please check out.


> <<US capitol 8.jpg>> <<US Congressman.jpg>>


> Please say hi to Nami and other old folks for me. I do miss them.


> Warm Regards,



> Kimchhay Ly

> Economic and Commercial Assistant

> US Embassy, Phnom Penh

> (855) (0)12 803 XXX

> www.usembassy.state.gov/cambodia


(If you need his #, get in touch with me. Prof. Otsubo)

April 2003 Shina's Message:














松浦 志奈

〒261−8545 千葉市美浜区若葉3丁目2番2

E-mail : Shina_Matsuura@XXXXXX


Shina Matsuura

Area Studies Department 1

Institute of Developing Economies ( IDE)

3-2-2, Wakaba, Mihama, Chiba, 261-8545 Japan

E-mail : Shina_Matsuura@XXXXXXX



March 2002 Dondi's (Felmer Emmanuel's) Message:

Dear Otsubo Sensei,

How are you? Do you still remember me? I hope so... but just to refresh your memory, I was one of the exchange research students from the Philippines under the NUPACE program in 1997 and I took several courses under you. If you still have a vague recollection of me, you can ask one of your D3 students, Heidi (Rozsnyoi) to remind you of me.

Just yesterday, I was perusing the web when I decided to visit GSID's website, which naturally led me to your web page. I then perused your "Exploration Party" site and felt a rush of nostalgia as I see names and pictures of people very memorable to me when I was there. Then, I felt a sense of guilt of not keeping in touch with you (which probably resulted to my removal from the "members at large" section of your web page). I hope this short note and update on what I have been doing vindicates me of my lapse in communication.

Since my departure from GSID, I have since finished my Masters degree in Development Management and have worked with a number of regional and international organizations. I have been working for three years now with a UK-based international organization called CAB International (www.cabi.org), which is a global not-for-profit organization specializing in sustainable solutions for agricultural and environmental problems. I am currently posted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with CAB International's South East Asia Regional Centre as the Project Officer for the Information for Development Programme, where I spearhead the development and delivery of knowledge and information solutions in applied sciences for developing countries.

Well, this is all for now and if you ever get to pass by here in Kuala Lumpur, please do drop me a line...



P.S. Please say hello to Heidi for me. I have since lost touch with her as well.

Felmer Emmanuel A. Cagampang "Dondi"

Project Officer, Information for Development Programme

CAB International South East Asia Regional Centre, Malaysia

Tel: +60 (3) 894 32921/33641/39892/26489

Fax: +60 (3) 894 36400/26490

E-mail: dondi@XXXXX & dondi@XXXXX

Web: http://www.cabi.org

June 2001 Kimchhay's message:


So glad to hear back from you. Just a quick note to let you know the address of the US embassy here. If you have a chance, please take a look at it. I am at the "Economic Affairs" section. There are serveral articles. I am now in the process of updating those articles. Updating them is the major task of the month.



Ly Kim Chhay
Economic/Commercial Assistant
United States Embassy

June 2001 Debby sent the following picture from Washington.

Last Update: 2009.11.28